
Showing posts from May, 2020

Let your speech preparation go in the following sequence

Let your speech preparation go in the following sequence Choose a topic that you are already aware of. Type ten questions on the topic and build your answers to each question in your memory first before you type. Stretch each answer up to one and a half minutes, so if you forget while talking, you may skip some content and still have enough content during your speech. Don’t put heavy statistics or numbers. Save yourself from memorizing numbers and statistics. Discuss your topic with friends and get well versed with the theme. A subject which you are familiar with does not have to be memorized stiffly. Audio record your speech in a good sound recorder and listen to it multiple times- Listening is a good way of fixing a speech in your mind. That's how people memorize so many songs, right? Give a few trials to your friends and let your friends ask you questions on your topic. Now the answers will add more content to your treasure. As the day of talk appears closer, do not th

How to Memorize a Speech Fast

How to Memorize a Speech Fast (Without Sounding Like a Robot)   Anthony Metivier |    March 19, 2020 |     Memory Palace Tactics Share 12 Tweet Share 12 SHARES Audio Player 00:00 00:00 Use Up/Down Arrow keys to increase or decrease volume. Imagine this: you’re standing up in front of an audience and giving an important speech.  Now tell me, how do you feel? Are your hands sweaty or your knees shaky? Is your stomach tied up in knots and feeling a bit queasy? If you’re anything like me during my undergraduate years, maybe you even have a phobia of public speaking. Yes, it’s true. I once had a terrible aversion to giving speeches, because I took a medication for manic-depression that made me shake really, really badly.  Once, in a course on romantic poetry, I was supposed to give a speech. My hands shook, my papers rattled in my hands, and I couldn’t concentrate on my delivery of the speech… much less expressing my familiarity